
I don't know who this is for, but I have this message pulsing around inside right now. It might not even be for right now. But, sometime, someone will read this and know that Christ cares. He cared enough to urge me to write. Sometimes the Spirit comes on me and gives me a message for another. I'm new at prophesy. These are not my words but, they are truth. So I write, His words through me.

Have you forgotten that I am with you? I am with you. I am around you. I love you. This loneliness is not for you. No more. I love you. I came so you wouldn't have to keep feeling this way. You are so precious to Me. You are mine. You belong to Me. Don't you know I made you? I saw every part of you go into place. You are as you are because I made you that way. I don't make mistakes. You are no mistake. You are my love. You are on my mind constantly. Why do you feel forgotten? I love you.

Remember where you came from. Remember what I brought you through. I put you in this place. Trust me. Trust me, and see what I will do. You can't even imagine how wonderful it will be. Wait on me. Wait and see what I will do.

I am here. I am here when you feel alone and rejected and angry. I am here when you can't see the good. I am here loving you and waiting for you to rest in Me. I am here when the darkness seems unbearable and your hope is gone. I am here when there is nothing else. Let Me hold you.

I want what you are holding back. I want all of you. Everything. I can handle it. I want to handle it for you. Trust in me. I love you. Let Me show you how it can be. It won't be easy. But, it will be right. You know it will. You know, and yet you wait. Come to Me and let go. I will catch you and hold you. I love you. Do you not know?! Still, you wait. Come to Me. I love you so much. I loved you before you had breath. I loved you before you knew of Me. I loved you before everything was.

You wonder if I hear you. You wonder if I think of you? I think of you. I watch you and love you. You can't even imagine. You are special to me. You are like no one else. My love for you is unimaginable.

You feel you are weak. I will make you strong. I will be your strength. Reach for Me and I will touch you. Reach for me. I love you.

Don't forget this.

If this hits you hard. Don't pass this over. It's for you.

While I was typing, I felt like I've never felt before. I can't even explain it save to say that it was awesome. Jesus is really crazy about you. And, I figure you weren't really expecting to get this here. But, that's just His way.

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