
What is it in us that pleas for justice? What is it that jumps and screams and stands in awe of sacrifice? Why is it beautiful? How should we even know that it is in the first place? What is it inside of us that defies tyranny and rejoices in redemption?

I am convinced that it is that God-given, mysterious fire we call love.

Love leaps at justice done anywhere. Though it is of no consequence to the observer but the simple knowledge of what has been done; though there is pain engrained in justice, for justice is deliverance; though it is no about glory or grace or form, it is beautiful.

It is beautiful because it is what we yearn for beneath our reason and method. It is beautiful because it frees the known and the unknown. It is beautiful because it should be.

Justice occurs when something, which should have happened already, finally does. And, its happening stirs us. It calls to our closest selves and shouts and cries and laughs. Its happening renews our faith and brightens the dark places.

In its true, pure form, justice has been, is, and will always be a result of selfless love. Justice is just a tiny glimpse of the world as it could be, should be, will be. Justice is just the smallest inkling of the goodness of God.

Justice cannot be served, though it results from service. Justice cannot be bought or sold or traded. It is always given. Justice is neither rebuke nor revenge, but redemption.

Justice is not the spoil of war, but the reward of peace. It is not that the killers have been slain, but that the innocent have not. It is protection and preservation of what is good.

It is grace... grace which cannot be purchased with the blood of a thousand bullets, cannot be taken by the stares of a thousand troops. It is grace which can only be given by Grace Himself.

Some may trust in horses. Some may trust in chariots. But, we will trust in the name of the Lord our God. [Psalm 20:7]

1 comment:

  1. Hey Curtis! Just checking out your blog on your sister's recommendation. Great thoughts.

    - michelle (http://hurtlandsouth.wordpress.com)


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